Friday, August 20, 2010

Look Alikes

When me and my friend walk into the room, everyone thinks we look the same, isn’t that cool? Have you ever had a friend that was the same height, hair, and even acts like you? It’s just weird, and you both turn around, and someone taps your friend on the shoulder, and says your name? One minute, three of you are shocked, and the next, you’re laughing your guts off? Well, yeah! What else would you do? Just plain hilarious and you’re not even twins! You have the same qualities, and make a good team! You think to yourself, is she/he another version if me sent from the heavens? Maybe. You probably know what they’re about to say. Is it luck? No. I’d say it’s destiny. Another you? Maybe. But to me, it’s just like having a sister who understands you most.



  1. Wow, I never have someone that look like me.

  2. Sometimes,I see people that looks like me but not often.In Korea, one of my best friend was same height, same types of hair and same style of clothing as me. I was so surprised to see someone that looks like another me! I hope you have a great friend tat looks like you!^^! I love your post! Great Job Elizabeth..!

  3. NICE maybe you should take a photo with your friend and then compare. Maybe you or your friend change and then you wouldn't see the alikes, anyway , some post love it.
